Smooth and healthy face? Try out the following tricks 

beauty.jpgAcne and pigmentation are the most common problems, many teenagers must deal with. If cleansing your face does not help, it is the time to go to a dermatologist. In order to improve the effects of medical treatment, you should try out the following tricks. See for yourself, perhaps you will say goodbye to acne once and for all.

Acne, blackheads and skin inflammation

On the contrary to what people claim, it is not so easy to cure acne. It can be caused by various factors, such as: hormonal changes, stress, genetics, poor diet or lack of proper hygiene. If you would like to deal with pimples and blackheads, you have to be patient. Everything depends on what phase your disease is in. If your skin is not oily and you have a few blackheads on the nose or chin, try testing out cosmetics for sensitive skin. Ask your beautician for manual facial cleansing treatment. Additionally, you can take care of your skin in the comfort of your own home. Simply use masks and soothing toners and never forget about moisturising the skin.

Skin care with severe acne and large inflammation will look completely different. If pimples appear all over the face, neck, back and shoulders, you must go to a dermatologist. Your doctor will prescribe you an antibiotic, an ointment and recommend special cosmetics from the pharmacy. Prepare yourself for the fact that the first weeks of treatment may increase the symptoms. For daily face care  choose cosmetics with the content of natural ingredients, without preservatives and parabens. Such products cannot contain oils, paraffin waxes and other oily substances. Remember not to exfoliate and cleanse the skin too harsh. This could increase inflammation and lead to increased secretion of sebum.

Post-acne and post-sun discolouration

Pink or brown, small or very large, round, oblong or irregular. Solar scars and discolouration are difficult to remove. However, it does not mean that it cannot be done. All you need to do is to use the right products and regularly visit the beautician. To brighten spots use preparations with AHA and BHA acids, vitamins A and C as well as herbal and fruit extracts. What is more, you can undergone a procedure that depends on removing the top layer of skin with the use of chemical peels or laser therapy. During the morning and evening routines perform a facial massage. This will improve blood circulation and accelerate the production of collagen. After about two months, you should see the first results.

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